Red Tees or equivalent tees rated for women
An annual singles match play competition.
Finals Day 22nd Oct 2023
The competition is open to all who are 60+ years of age on the closing date.
The maximum handicap index is 36.0
Matches will be played off full difference in course handicap.
Players must be a member of a club affiliated to SLCGA and have current handicaps.
Players must read SLCGA Competitions Rules
The contact sheet will be emailed to players and the draw posted on the website.
Entry Fee £ 15 – Closing date for entries Friday 31st March 2023.
Payment by bank transfer by 31st March to
SLCGA Sort code 60-12-36 Account 33012997.
Ref BUS23 Your Surname + initial. Example: BUS23 SmithA - REFERENCE EXACTLY AS SHOWN PLEASE.
When completing online entry - Country dropdown is ENGLAND
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